Meet Paul Claffey - "The music tours became a fantastic way to bring people together and create unforgettable experiences" - JWT Travel

Meet Paul Claffey – “The music tours became a fantastic way to bring people together and create unforgettable experiences”

The music tours became a fantastic way to bring people together and create unforgettable experiences for our guests. – Paul Claffey

At JWT Travel we are delighted to be the selected partners for the popular Paul Claffey Tours for many years. Today, we catch up with Paul Claffey, managing Director of Midwest Radio and a prominent figure in the Irish country music scene; who has curated unforgettable experiences that blend music, dancing, entertainment, and travel, reflecting his deep passion for creating memorable journeys for music enthusiasts.


Can you tell us a bit about how you got started in the tour business?

Not long after Midwest Radio launched, I came up with the idea of music tours during a stay at The Barrosa Park Hotel in Spain over 30 years ago with Joe and Ben Dolan. We had a fantastic time, but I noticed that the evenings lacked engaging activities for the guests. After a few nights of observing, it hit me: what if I could get a charter aircraft to Knock, pick up guests, and bring them to Spain?

Joe Dolan introduced me to Sean Skehan from Killester Travel, and he was all in on the idea of chartering a plane from Knock. Next up was sorting out the entertainment. I got in touch with The Conquerors, and they were on board to play for the week. Joe Dolan wasn’t officially on the lineup, but he was more than happy to join, playing some golf, enjoying the sun, and performing in the evening. He even insisted on paying his own way.

We advertised the trip, and it instantly sold out! Encouraged by the success, I decided to dream bigger. We started taking guests to amazing destinations all over the world, like the Caribbean, Thailand, South Africa, and more.

The music tours became a fantastic way to bring people together and create unforgettable experiences for our guests.

What inspired you to create Paul Claffey Tours?

Most of our potential guests were over 50, and I noticed that some travel spots didn’t have much in the way of entertainment for that age group. So, I thought, why not bring popular Irish country music to these destinations?

It seemed like a no-brainer! Mixing travel with the familiar tunes of the Irish country music world, a perfect combination. I was sure it would be a hit!

For our tours abroad, we have an excellent relationship with David Walsh and the team at JWT Travel. Their collaboration and support have been key in providing our guests with unforgettable travel experiences.

What makes Paul Claffey Tours unique compared to other tour companies?

I felt it was essential to build a strong bond of trust between myself and our potential guests. I`m fortunate to have Sharon Behan Woods by my side since the very start. Her tremendous skill set, exceptional organisational abilities, and attention to detail ensured that everything was arranged to perfection. Thanks to Sharon, our guests experienced a seamless journey from booking to arrival at our tour destinations and throughout their stay.

Alongside Sharon, Bernie Greally has been an invaluable asset to our team since day one. Bernie’s dedication and expertise have been instrumental in our success, helping us grow and improve year after year.

Kieran McGowan, aka Buddy, is our behind-the-scenes expert when it comes to our tours. He`s the man who ensures all the equipment gets from A to B, setting up everything behind the scenes so that our tours run like clockwork and much, much more. Over the years, the team has grown and each member plays a significant role in the success of Paul Claffey Tours.

For our tours abroad, we have an excellent relationship with David Walsh and the team at JWT Travel. Their collaboration and support have been key in providing our guests with unforgettable travel experiences.

Can you share a favourite memory from one of your tours?

Oh, there are just too many to mention! The memories we’ve made over the years are absolutely incredible!

One that stands out happened a few years back in Cape Town, South Africa. We organised an amazing dinner for 350 people right on the waterfront.

To make it even better, we had the legendary Paddy Cole entertaining our guests. I’ll never forget the moment he played “Stranger on the Shore” as we overlooked the magnificent Table Mountain. I said to myself “It can`t get better than this”. I`ll never forget it.

What can guests expect when they join a Paul Claffey tour?

Music, music, music. Fun, fun, fun. Just imagine yourself surrounded by the best music, great craic and staying in carefully selected, top-quality hotels, all while being looked after by the dedicated Paul Claffey Tours team, available for you 24/7.

We believe that this is more than just a trip; it’s an unforgettable experience designed with your enjoyment in mind every step of the way.

When you’re not leading tours and on the air on Midwest Radio, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

My life is definitely busy, but I always make time for a round of golf – it’s my way of unwinding and recharging.

I am the Managing Director of Midwest Radio, which always keeps me busy. Additionally, I am involved in managing the incredible Michael English, from concerts, festivals, and new music. It’s non-stop, but I love it.

How can potential travellers connect with you and find out more about Paul Claffey Tours?

Potential guests can contact us via our website, via our social media channels, or by phone at 094 96 31040. The team is always ready to help.

Find more details about Paul Claffey Music and Fun in the Sun tours in Spain and Portugal at JWT TRAVEL here: PAUL CLAFFEY TOURS.

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